The Intersea Foundation
Publications and Presentations |
- The Whale Family Book, Cynthia D'Vincent, author and photographer.
Simon & Shuster Publishing, 1992. 56 pages with 49 color plates. A
children's book on whales which is one in a series of Animal Family
books including Jane Goodall, Konrad Lorenz and Thor Larson.

- Voyaging with the Whales, Cynthia D'Vincent, author and photographer.
Oakwell Boulton Publishing, 1989. 224 pages with 131 color plates.
A large format book which presents an understanding of whale behaviors
and a comprehensive overview of Intersea Foundation studies. It also
describes the history of the vessels and the adventures of sailing
some 20,000 miles annually.

- Treasures of Alaska, National Geographic Book, October 2001.

- Adventurous Dreams, Adventurous Lives. Eve D'Vincent, as
one of the 120 outstanding individuals representing a Who's Who of
international exploration, recalls her youth aboard Intersea ships,
when the dream that launched her remarkable life was born. Edited
by Jason Schoonover. 336 pages, published by Rocky Mountain Publishing
Company October 15, 2007.

- NBC Television special, "Ocean Quest", 1985. Filmed by Al Giddings
featuring humpback whale cooperative feeding studies.

- ABC television Mutual of Omaha's "Spirit of Adventure" with Jim
Fowler, 1989. A special about Intersea Foundation's research, filmed
from ACANIA.

- Miramar Productions, "Third Stone from the Sun", 1989. Feature film
about Varua and Alaska starring Storm D'Vincent Nilson at age 5. Winner
of the Houston Film Festival as 1990 Earth Day movie.

- Discovery Channel, "In Search of Big Mama", 1994. Featuring the
studies of Cynthia D'Vincent and her children, Storm and Eve. Sold
to seven countries.

- IMAX, "Alaska: Spirit of the Wild", 1995. Feature film highlighting
Cynthia D'Vincent's work with the whales.

- Discovery Channel, "Science of Whales", 1997. Television documentary
about the work of whale researchers including D'Vincent's acoustic
and behavioral work on cooperative feeding whales.

- IMAX, "Migrations", 2000. Feature film of migrating animals including
the gray whale as it travels between the Bering Sea and the lagoons
of Baja California.

- Film, "HUMPBACKS - from fire to ice", 2008. Feature film
about the first year in the life of a humpback whale calf. Narrated
by Sir David Attenborough.

- D'Vincent, C.G., R.M. Nilson and R.E. Hanna. 1985. "Vocalization
and coordinated feeding behavior of the humpback whale in southeastern
Alaska". The Scientific Reports of the Whales Research Institute No.

- D'Vincent, C.G. "For Sail: Ocean Research." Sea Technology. June

- Sharpe, F.A., D'Vincent C., and R. Nilson. 1987. "Vocalizations
of marbled murrelets in a mature western hemlock forest, Southeast
Alaska". Pacific Seabird Group Bulletin 15:23.

- D'Vincent, C.G., Nilson, R.M., and F.A. Sharpe. 1988. "Observations
of humpback whale mother-calf pairs in Southeast Alaska". Cetus 8:25-26.

- D'Vincent, C., Nilson, R.M., and F. Sharpe. 1989. "The behavioral
biology of cooperative lunge-feeding humpback whales in Southeast
Alaska." Society for Marine Mammalogy.

- Nilson, R.M., D'Vincent, C., and F.A. Sharpe. 1989. "Form and function
of the feeding vocalization of cooperative lunge feeding humpback
whales." Society for Marine Mammalogy.

- Sharpe, F.A., D'Vincent, C., and R.M. Nilson. 1989. "Nocturnal feeding
of humpback whales". Society for Marine Mammalogy.

- D'Vincent, C., Nilson, R.M. and F.A. Sharpe. 1990. "Interactions
between killer whales and cooperative lunge feeding humpback whales
in Southeast Alaska." Third conference on the biology of killer whales,
Victoria, B.C.

- Sharpe, F.A., D'Vincent C.G., and R.M. Nilson. 1991. "Ranging and
association patterns of cooperative lunge-feeding humpback whales
in Southeast Alaska". Society of Marine Mammalogy.

- Sharpe, F.A., Anderson, A., Hoffler, G., D'Vincent, C., and R. Nilson.
1992. "At sea counts of marbled murrelets in Southeast Alaska." Pacific
Seabird Group Bulletin 19:1.

- D'Vincent, C.G., Sharpe F.A., Reynolds J. "Prey manipulation and
association patterns of cooperative lunge-feeding humpback whales
in Southeast Alaska." In prep. 1997.

- D'Vincent, C.G., Wolman A., Contribution to Five Year Status Report.
Marine Fisheries Review, Vol, 46, No. 4.

- Rugh, D.J., Hobbs, R., Lerczak, J., Baraff, L., Waite, J., D'Vincent,
C.G., Hill, P., and Muto, M. 1997. "An Assessment of Gray Whale Counts
Made by Shore-based Observers". Annual report to MMPA, Office of Protected
Resources (F/PR) NOAA.

- Van de Vegte, J. 2002. "Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing".
Prentice Hall.

- "Voyaging With The Whales", audio cassette and CD. Sounds of a voyage
aboard ACANIA including whale, bird, and other natural sounds. Produced
by World Disc Productions. 1989.

- "In The Company Of Whales". CD Rom and videodisc produced in conjunction
with Discovery Channel as classroom guide to marine mammal instruction,

- Miramar Productions, "Gift of the Whales". Video featuring humpback
research from ACANIA. 1990.

- "Whalescapes". North Sound Music Group. CD of whale vocalizations
and ocean sounds. 2000.

- "Giants of the Deep". North Sound Music Group. CD and audio cassette
of marine mammal vocalizations and sounds of nature. 2000.

- "Orca Suite". North Sound Music Group. CD and audio cassette of
killer whale calls and associated animals. 2000.

- "A Rebuilt Legend." Sail Magazine. October, 1981.

- "A South Seas Sailor in Alaska." Sea & Pacific Skipper. February,

- "An Incredible Feasting of Whales." National Geographic. January,

- "The Long Goodbye." Natural History Magazine. January, 1985.

- "Varua Soul of the Southern Sea." Wooden Boat. July/August, 1985.

- "Humpback Whale Research." Aquaticus Journal of the Shedd Aquarium.

- "VARUA of Romance and Research." Monterey Life. January, 1985.

- "For Sail: Ocean Research." D'Vincent, C.G.. Sea Technology. June,

- "Not Just Another Vacation." MD Magazine. March, 1985.

- "Sea Dream is Alive and Whale for Research Pair". Los Angeles Times
Sunday Magazine. October, 1987.

- "I Raise My Kids at Sea." As told by D'Vincent to Goldner-Vogel.
Working Mother Magazine by McCall's. March, 1989.

- "A Voyage of Consequence." Alaska Magazine. July, 1989.

- "La Baleine Roule Sa Bosse". Wapiti. April, 1990.

- "Voyaging with the Whales". We Alaskans. November, 1990.

- "Humpback Ballet". Science Digest. July/August, 1990.

- "Meet the Ultimate Whale Watcher". Alta Vista, The Sunday (Monterey
County) Herald Magazine. November, 1994.

- "A Whale of a Life". Monterey County Herald, October 18, 1996.

- "A Girl Among the Whales", by Eve Nilson. Scholastic Books. September

- National Aquarium, Baltimore, Maryland

- Shedd Aquarium, Chicago, Illinois

- Museum of Natural History, New York, New York

- Nikon House, Rockefeller Center, New York, New York

- New England Aquarium, Boston, Massachusetts

- North Carolina Marine Resources Center, Kure Beach, North Carolina

- Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History, Pacific Grove, California

- Glacier Bay National Park, Glacier Bay, Alaska

- California Academy of Science, San Francisco, California

- Sydney Museum, Sydney B.C.

- Institute for Photographic Art, Marjorie Evans Gallery, Carmel,

- Monterey Peninsula Museum of Art, Monterey, California

- Alaska - Southeast to McKinley. Rizzoli, New York. 1986.

- Marine Mammals of Eastern North Pacific and Arctic Waters. Pacific
Search Press. 1986.

- Portal Publications- "Big Mama Breaching". 1987.

- Marine Mammals of Eastern North Pacific and Arctic Waters, Vol.
II. Pacific Search Press. 1989.

- Alaska Magazine. 1989.

- Time Magazine. 1990.

- Audubon. 1990.

- Newsweek. 1990.

- Alaska Department of Fish and Game. 1990.

- World Wildlife Fund. 1990.

- People Magazine. 1990.

- Twentieth Century Fox Film - "Dying Young". 1991.

- Arktis. Motovun. 1992.

- What is a Whale. Crabtree Publishing Company, New York. 2000.

- What is a Marine Mammal. Crabtree Publishing Company, New
York. 2000.

PRESENTATIONS (partial listing):
- American Cetacean Society

- Adventure Sailing Lecture Series

- John G. Shedd Aquarium

- National Aquarium

- Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History

- Monterey Bay Aquarium

- Houston Museum of Natural Science, Houston, Texas

- Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

- General Motors

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